Defying the odds

“Bangladesh, defying the odds” is an award winning photographic project aiming to portrait ordinary people in Bangladesh, with a focus on children and young adults. It is a journey into resilient lives, lingering shadows and youth in transition. It is based on photos captured during the author’s assignment as UNICEF Representative in Bangladesh between 2012 and 2014.

It acknowledges Bangladesh’s impressive socio-economic gains since the country became independent in 1971. It also highlights continuing challenges such as child marriage as well as the many adverse consequences of rising sea levels in a country which lies at the heart of the Ganges– Brahmaputra delta, the largest river delta on earth.

Children in Bangladesh are no different than children elsewhere. They have rights and basic needs. Some of which are fulfilled, others not. Many dream of a different future. Some have given up. Many live in communities exposed to environmental hazards, including pollution and vulnerability to climate change. Some are refugees from other countries. For them, resilience is not a concept, it is a daily imperative.

“Bangladesh, defying the odds” is materialized by a photography book.

What they say...

  • “ Through the diversity of landscapes and portraits, Pascal Villeneuve's work illustrates the environmental, economic and social issues that are those of this endearing country"

    Fisheye Magazine

  • "Few photographic projects related to Bangladesh present a humanist vision of it. “Bangladesh” by Pascal Villeneuve is a sincere testimony, the fruit of a long experience of international development and humanitarian work"

    9 Lives Magazines

  • “I first met Pascal Villeneuve in Santa Fe, New Mexico where he was a participant in one of my yearly classes at the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops. What I was to discover was an extremely talented photographer with an intimate knowledge of his subjects. What initially intrigued me was that Pascal’s “vision” was not just for the exotic but more for the beauty and character of Bangladesh’s youth.”

    R. Mac Holbert

  • “A quartet of kids gingerly make their way across a rocky shoreline and across the bay, in almost symmetry, tall chimneys puff out smoke. This shot from a documentary project Bangladesh, Defying the Odds, which chronicles the country through a focus on children, cleverly hints at the wider environmental and societal forces that define people and who they will go on to become, especially those new to our complex, damaged world"

    Rachel Segal Hamilton - Life Framer "Humans of the world" competition (2021)

Printed in France by ESCOURBIAC

Points of sale

  • La Nouvelle Chambre Claire

    3 rue d'Arras

    75005 - Paris (FRANCE)

  • Librairie d'art Arcurial

    61 avenue Montaigne

    75008 - Paris (FRANCE)

  • Librairie Nouvelles Impressions

    42 rue Levavasseur

    35800 - Dinard (FRANCE)
